Sustainable business
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Sustainable business, or green business, is enterprise that has no negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies. In general, business is described as green if it matches the following four criteria:- It incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions.[1]
- It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replaces demand for nongreen products and/or services.[1]
- It is greener than traditional competition.[1]
- It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.[1]
The Brundtland Report emphasized that sustainability is a three-legged stool of people, planet, and profit.[2] Sustainable businesses with the supply chain try to balance all three through the triple-bottom-line concept—using sustainable development and sustainable distribution to impact the environment, business growth, and the society.[5][6]
Everyone affects the sustainability of the marketplace and the planet in some way. Sustainable development within a business can create value for customers, investors, and the environment. A sustainable business must meet customer needs while, at the same time, treating the environment well.[7]
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[edit] Environmental sphere
A major initiative of sustainable businesses is to eliminate or decrease the impact made on the environment by harmful chemicals, materials, and waste generated by processes to manufacture products and services.[8] The impact of such human activities in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced can be measured in units of carbon dioxide and is referred to as the carbon footprint. The carbon footprint concept branched off from ecological footprint analysis, which examines the ecological capacity required to support the consumption of products.[9]The Gort Cloud written by Richard Seireeni, (2009), documents the experiences of sustainable businesses in America and their reliance on the vast but invisible green community, referred to as the gort cloud, for support and a market.
One of the most common examples of sustainable business initiatives is the act of going paperless.[7] On a higher level, sustainable business practices can include reviewing processes in order to eliminate or recycle waste, making all products recyclable, and eliminating the use of nonrenewable resources via alternatives energies.
Sustainable businesses also look at inputs to determine what products are harmful to the environment and try to find green alternatives that can function at the same or a better level and, preferably, at a lower cost. Company leaders also take into account the life cycle costs for inputs of items purchased. Inputs costs must be considered in regards to regulations, energy use, storage, and disposal.[10]
A business’s green initiatives can include conserving materials through remanufacturing, converting harmful gases into clean energy, generating greener power, and improving fuel economy.[4] Designing for the environment (DFE) is also an element of sustainable business. This process enables users to consider the potential environmental impacts of a product and the process used to make that product.[10]
Henry Ford was a pioneer in the sustainable business realm, experimenting with soy-based materials and ethanol during the days of the Model T.[7] Ford Motor Company also shipped the Model A truck in crates that later became the vehicle’s floorboard upon reaching its destination. This was a form of upcycling, a key element to DFE. Upcycling is the process of retaining high quality in a closed-loop industrial cycle.[10]
Ford currently uses green fabrics and materials in the next generation of their vehicles—seat fabric made from 100 percent post-industrial materials, renewable soy foam seat bases, and the like. Ford executives recently appointed the company’s first senior vice president of sustainability, environment, and safety engineering. This position is responsible for establishing a long-range sustainability strategy and environmental policy. The person in this position will also help develop the products and processes necessary to satisfy both customers and society as a whole, while working toward energy independence.[4]
In Korea, rice husks are used as a nontoxic packaging for stereo components and other electronics. The concept of waste is diminished because of inclusive shipping in freight costs the goods would already incur. The same material is later used to make bricks.[10]
The green and sustainability trend has manifested in pressure from consumers, shareholders, employees, partners and governments (regulations) put upon companies to embrace more sustainable and green practices. Many companies resorted to greenwashing instead of actually creating green innovations by marketing their product in a way that suggests green practices. However, there are many companies that have taken the sustainability trend seriously and are doing so profitably.
[edit] Social sphere
Organizations that give back to the community, whether through employees volunteering their time or through charitable donations are often considered to be socially sustainable. Organizations also can encourage education in their communities by training their employees and offering internships to younger members of the community. Practices such as these increase the education level and quality of life in the community.In order for a business to be truly sustainable, it must sustain not only the necessary environmental resources, but also its social resources, including employees, customers (the community), and its reputation.[11]
[edit] Organizations
The European community’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive restricts the use of certain hazardous materials in the production of various electronic and electrical products. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directives provide collection, recycling, and recovery practices for electrical goods.[7] The World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute are two organizations working together to set a standard for reporting on corporate carbon footprints.[7] Lester Brown’s Plan B 2.0 and Hunter Lovins’s Natural Capitalism provide information on sustainability initiatives.[12][edit] Standards
Enormous economic and population growth worldwide in the second half of the twentieth century drove the impacts that threaten health and the world — ozone depletion, climate change, depletion, fouling of natural resources, and extensive loss of biodiversity and habitat. In the past, the standard approaches to environmental problems generated by business and industry have been regulatory-driven "end-of-the-pipe" remediation efforts. In the 1990s, efforts by governments, NGOs, corporations, and investors began to grow substantially to develop awareness and plans for investment in business sustainability.One critical milestone was the establishment of the ISO 14000 standards whose development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992. ISO 14001 is the cornerstone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party. Other ISO 14000 Series Standards are actually guidelines, many to help you achieve registration to ISO 14001. They include the following:
- ISO 14004 provides guidance on the development and implementation of environmental management systems
- ISO 14010 provides general principles of environmental auditing (now superseded by ISO 19011)
- ISO 14011 provides specific guidance on audit an environmental management system (now superseded by ISO 19011)
- ISO 14012 provides guidance on qualification criteria for environmental auditors and lead auditors (now superseded by ISO 19011)
- ISO 14013/5 provides audit program review and assessment material.
- ISO 14020+ labeling issues
- ISO 14030+ provides guidance on performance targets and monitoring within an Environmental Management System
- ISO 14040+ covers life cycle issues
[edit] Six Essential Characteristics
Dr. Tueth proposes that a mature and authentic sustainable business contains these six essentials. These essentials are rooted in many sustainability principals and are very dynamic. There is no reason in the future for essentials not to shift or adjust as we evolve our understanding of a sustainable business.1. Triple top-line value production
"The TTL Establishes three simultaneous requirements of sustainable business activities - financial benefits for the company, natural world betterment, and social advantages for employees and members of the local community—with each of these three components recognized as equal in status." Though this is sometimes called the triple bottom line, triple top line stresses the importance of initial value rather than after the fact effects.
2. Nature-based knowledge and technology
"This biomimicry-based principal involves the conscious emulation of natural-world genius in terms of growing our food, harnessing our energy, constructing things, conducting business healing ourselves, processing information and designing our communities"
3. Products of service to products of consumption
"Products of service are durable goods routinely leased by the customer that are made of technical materials and are returned to the manufacturer and re-processed into a new generation of products when they are worn out.(These products are mostly non-toxic to human and environmental health but toxic materials that are used will be kept within a closed loop type system and not be able to escape into the environment). Products of consumption are shorter lived items made only of biodegradable materials. They are broken down by the detritus organisms after the products lose their usefulness.(These are also non-hazardous to human or environmental health). This principal requires that we manufacture only these two types of products and necessitates the gradual but continual reductions of products of service and their replacement with products of consumption as technological advancements allow." See Cradle to Cradle for other thoughts on Technical(Products of Service) and Biological(Products of consumption) nutrients.
4. Solar, wind, geothermal and ocean energy
"This principal advocates employing only sustainable energy technology—solar,wind,ocean and geothermal—that can meet our energy needs indefinitely without negative effects for life on earth."
5. Local-based organizations and economies
"This ingredient includes durable, beautiful and healthy communities with locally owned and operated businesses and locally managed non-profit organizations, along with regional corporations and shareholders working together in a dense web of partnerships and collaborations."
6. Continuous improvement process
"Operational processes inside successful organizations include provisions for constant advancements and upgrade as the company does its business. The continuous process of monitoring, analyzing, redesigning and implementing is used to intensify TTL value production as conditions change and new opportunities emerge."[13]
[edit] See also
- Green America
- Bottom of the Pyramid
- Bright green
- Clean Edge
- Clean Energy Trends
- Externality
- Gort cloud
- Green brands
- Green Globe
- Green MBA
- Low carbon economy
- Not Just For Profit
- Renewable energy commercialization
- Renewable energy industry
- Sustainable Business Network
- The Clean Tech Revolution
- The Lorax
- Worldchanging
[edit] Notes
- ^ a b c d Cooney, S. (2009) "Build A Green Small Business. Profitable ways to become an ecopreneur."
- ^ a b United Nations General Assembly (1987) Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. Transmitted to the General Assembly as an Annex to document A/42/427 - Development and International Co-operation: Environment. Retrieved on: 2009-02-15.
- ^ Anderson, D. R. (2006). "The critical importance of sustainability risk management." Risk Management. Vol. 53, no. 4.
- ^ a b c Rennie, E. (2008). "Growing Green, Boosting the bottom line with sustainable business practices." APICS Magazine. Vol. 18, no. 2.
- ^ Galvao, A. (2008) "The Next Ten Years: Energy and Environment." Crossroads 2008 presentation, MIT TechTV beta, 55 min., 51 sec.
- ^ Galvao, A. "Mind Your Own Business, Why sustainable operations must be everyone’s chief concern." APICS Magazine, Vol. 18, no. 5
- ^ a b c d e Rennie, E. (2008). "Painting a Green Story." APICS Extra. Vol. 3, no. 2.
- ^ Becker, T. (2008). "The Business behind Green, Eliminating fear, uncertainty, and doubt." APICS magazine. vol. 18, no. 2.
- ^ Hawken, P., A. Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins. (1999). Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. Little, Brown.
- ^ a b c d Penfield, P. (2008). "Generating for the Environment, Drive down costs while helping Mother Nature." APICS Magazine, Vol. 18, no. 6.
- ^ Hahn, Keenan. 2008. What is sustainable business?
- ^ Ron Sullivan. 2007. "Enduring Success, Using the APICS body of knowledge to achieve greater sustainability." APICS magazine. vol. 17, no. 8.
- ^ Tueth. Matthew Ph.D (2010). Fundamentals of Sustainable Business|A Guide to the Next 100 years. Hackensack: World Scientific Publishing Co.
[edit] External links
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- Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan
- Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell University
- Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
- Green America
- GenGreen Life
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Network for Business Innovation and Sustainability
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- I Green Think
- Conscious Manager - Balance in business and life. Online magazine